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Are Coyotes Active In Fall?

Jenn Smith

Posted on September 26 2019

Coyotes are not the absolute nocturnal animals we once thought. More often than not, it seems that homeowners see coyote movement in the afternoon hours while they hunt for food. 

Coyotes are active in the spring and summer months; however, they will slowly move around landscapes in autumn. They are most active in the winter time when they travel in packs from dawn and dusk hours. As with deer, coyotes hunt for food from home gardens and will even go as far as to attack humans, livestock and pets. 

Fall is when homeowners must keep watch on small children and pets outside. Coyotes may be cousins of dogs, but they are known to prey on small pups. To protect both people and pets, install steel fence around perimeters of lawns and gardens to rid coyotes for good.