Rid Birds From Lawns and Gardens
Posted on September 30 2019
As two seasons change, homeowners will notice an influx of birds on home properties. In the spring and fall months, bird migration occurs to avoid chilly temperatures and cold fronts. When birds in the North head southbound, they will make pit-stops to home gardens in search of food. To prepare for their arrival, home growers will need to protect plants. Here's how to rid birds from lawns and gardens during peak bird migration seasons:
Bird Netting
Bird netting is not only easy to use but it is cost effective for homeowners. Growers simply drape a loose mesh netting over plants in gardens and fruit bushes on landscapes.
Multi-purpose deer fencing
Another option for bird control is to use multi-purpose deer fence around lawns and gardens. The fence mesh is used in a variety of applications including pond protection and to fill in gaps in existing fences. This type of plastic fence mesh keeps out small animals and can be used for light deer management.
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