Starting a Bee Garden
Posted on June 18 2018
Bees pollinate over 80 percent of the world's foods - that means that the majority of the foods consumed each day are thanks to bees. Bee pollination is very important; and they rely on pollinating plants as their means of survival. Gardeners who wish to save the bees should start a bee garden.
Bee gardens aren't just about bee hives and honey making. Most fruits, veggies and herbs are pollinating plants for bees and can be grown in home gardens for everyday recipes.
Home gardeners can grow these plants for bee pollination:
Aster, Marigolds Lavender, Cilantro Bee Balm, Maple Garlic, Peppers Sage, Rosemary Locust, Magnolia Poppies, Roses Sunflowers, Clematis |
Because bees require pollen and nectar for survival, gardeners must protect bee gardens from wildlife damage. Summer is when deer and other animals visit gardens most frequently in search of food. This is when they will destroy flowerbeds and organic crops; in turn, bees will suffer...and so will we.
For gardeners starting a bee garden, protect pollinating plants from deer damage with deer fencing. Some of the pollinating plants, such as lavender, garlic and pepper are deer-resistant plants that deer hate to eat. These should be a good secondary barrier for deer control, as well.
This National Pollinator Week, save the bees with the help from Follow the conversation Facebook using hashtags #SavetheBees and #PollinatorWeek.