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Coyotes, Wolves, and Foxes

Coyotes are found almost everywhere in North America; and, while they look like medium-sized dogs, they remain one of the most feared predators in the animal kingdom (especially for deer). 

Coyote pups are born in March and April and tag along with their parents to help guide them towards food for the first few months of life. (And, yes, they often travel in packs.) "Teenage" coyotes are highly visible in the winter season, as they leave their parents side to fend for themselves, and are seen again in January during coyote breeding season.

A coyotes' diet is broad. While coyotes like to eat small rodents and birds, they tend to incorporate fruits and berries into their diet...and they will never say "no" to dogs, cats or deer meat!

Coyotes try to avoid human encounters; but they will walk onto landscapes if something catches their attention including pets; livestock animals; and to see what to eat in the garden. (Coyotes rarely attack humans; but they will go after chickens and pets, if given the opportunity.)

Coyotes can live in almost any habitat from wetlands to coastal regions and are most sighted after dusk and before daylight. With the rising number of coyote sightings, urges home growers, livestock owners and pet parents to protect their gardens and animals with coyote fencing. The best height to keep out a coyote is at least 6' feet high and will need to be made from steel to prevent the coyote from chewing through the fence. This height and fence material is also recommended to keep out wolves and foxes. Because coyotes can jump and dig, it is recommended to add ground stakes to the bottom of the fence to halt digging attempts. 

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