Deer Tick Management
Posted on May 15 2020
Spring and summer are prime seasons for deer damage in gardens; but they are also top seasons for tick activity. Deer ticks, also known as black-legged ticks, are the most recognizable type of tick species that carry Lyme Disease. They are mostly found on white-tailed deer, the number one carrier of ticks in the United States; hence, the name "deer ticks." If gardeners wish to lower their chances of tick infection during these high-risk months, they will need to be proactive to keep away deer from lawns. Here's how to do it:
Tick sprays are a short term solution to reduce the sight of ticks in grasses; however, like deer repellents, they disappear with rain, snow and extreme heat. This requires more garden maintenance care on the gardener's part. While these methods are great secondary solutions for tick disease prevention, the best tick management strategy is the installation of a deer fence that is at least 7.5' feet tall.
By building deer fence, gardeners are not only keeping deer away from plants but are reducing the sight of ticks dropped by whitetails.
May is #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth