Acquiring Funds For School Gardens
Posted on August 07 2019
School gardens are being planted all across the country in schools for primary and secondary aged students to learn and grow. Not only do children learn how plants get from ground to plate; but they learn how to work cooperatively as a team and how to manage gardens with proper growing methods.
Once school garden program managers know where they wish to plant their school garden; and have established which type of plants they will grow; they will be ready to seek funding. There are many ways to seek funds for school garden development. Here's how:
- Ask parents for donations and meet with them in person, if able. (Plan a parent-teacher conference.)
- Seek school funding sources such as or other school collaborative sites.
- Seek funding from school budgets.
- Ask local businesses to chip in by providing your school's tax status for checks.
- Host a garden-related event such as a silent auction or raffle - selling items such as seeds, plants and homemade baked goods.
School gardens get children excited about agriculture! #BackToSchoolMonth