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Lyme Disease Cases To Increase in 2019

Jennifer Smith

Posted on April 05 2019

Lyme Disease is just one of many tick diseases spread by over 900 tick species in the United States. Lyme Disease, the most common of the vector tick diseases, is often passed from animal to animal including humans and pets. Really, any warm-blooded mammal is at risk for tick infection beginning in March as the temperatures rise above freezing. 

Now that spring is here, outdoor enthusiasts are on high alert and watch for ticks, especially the Eastern Black-legged Tick. Indiana and Pennsylvania are both expected to see a rise in tick reporting and Lyme Disease cases. Other states on the watch include: Arkansas, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia thanks to the sighting of the Asian Longhorned Tick. 

“The longhorned tick has the potential to carry many other diseases, which could have a devastating effect on the U.S. population. It’s imperative that we devote significant efforts to track its range and ways to contain its further spread,” Glatter said.

Reports of tick-borne illnesses are rising with each passing year. In 2016, individuals reported 48610 cases; however, the number rose in 2017 to 59349 - an all-time high.

Ticks are found in the north due to climate change and moving wildlife. 

Read these tick prevention tips now to protect yourself from ticks this spring and spread the word about the dangers of wildlife carrying ticks.