Prepare For Winter Gardens
Posted on November 27 2018
It's hard to believe that fall is practically over; and as such, gardeners are preparing to grow plants in winter. Before digging up holes, it's best to read these tips to prepare for winter gardening:
- Clean up rotting plants after first frost
- Collect leaves and keep a clear lawn
- Remove invasive weeds that may have taken hold over the growing season
- Prepare your soil for spring
- Plant cover crops
- Prune perennials
- Store spring and summer bulbs and collect seeds
- Harvest and regenerate your compost
- Replenish mulch
- Limit fertilization as cold weather, and snow, approaches
- Dig up tender bulbs like dahlias and gladiolus and store in a cool, dark place.
Weeds and rotting plants can take a hold of other plants and lead to plant diseases, fungus and unwanted pests. Some plants may even need to be stores in a cold frame for spring or taken inside for warmth. Gardeners may use blankets to cover plants or cloths. And, as with other seasons, keep deer at bay and away from gardens with deer fencing! They need to eat; but it doesn't have to be from your garden.
Keep these winter gardening tips in mind; and get excited for a new season of growing!
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