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Prevent Pet Tick Diseases

Jenn Smith

Posted on April 07 2020

Ticks are most active in the warm months of the year beginning in March when the weather turns from chilly to comfortable; and spring is when we see an uptick of tick disease cases around the country. Tick diseases, such as Lyme Disease, affect 300,000 Americans each year; but the number is missing from our companion friends: our pets. Some pet owners may not be aware that dogs and cats can get Lyme Disease and other tick-borne illnesses. Lyme Disease has already claimed 58000 dogs in 2020 alone - and it's only the start of spring!

Since April is Lyme Disease Prevention In Dogs Month, pet owners must be aware of where ticks come from; where they hide on dogs; and how to rid them for good.

Where Ticks Are Hiding

Ticks tend to hide in the fur of animals such as white-tailed deer, mice and other rodents. When wildlife walk onto landscapes, they often drop ticks with tick diseases in yards. Ticks wait in grassy and wooded areas to search for their next blood meal - a warm-blooded mammal such as person, pet or wild animal. When they latch on, the risk of infection is present. 

Tick Hiding Spots On Dogs

When dogs play outside, they usually roll around in the grass. This is when they are most prone to tick bites. Ticks will hide underneath collars; tails; ankles; and ears of dogs. Therefore, pet owners must properly groom pets for ticks to reduce the chance of tick infection spreading.

How To Reduce the Risk Of Pet Tick Diseases

Since white-tailed deer are the main carriers of ticks in the United States, homeowners with pets will need to be proactive in fencing out deer to keep pets safe from tick diseases. Pet owners will need at least a 7.5 foot tall fence for wildlife management. Fencing is the most effective means for deer control and tick disease prevention among pets and people alike.