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Wandering Deer Disturb Baseball Game

Jennifer Smith

Posted on April 30 2019

White-tailed deer may be a common sight in Massachusetts. However, the Brandeis University baseball team likely wasn’t expecting to encounter them during their trip to Cleveland this weekend, not to mention during their actual game.

During the first inning of Saturday’s game against Case Western Reserve University, a trio of deer jumped the right-field fence at Nobby’s Park, forcing Brandeis pitcher Mason Newman to wait as they casually trotted back-and-forth across the outfield.

“For those of you scoring at home, mark it in your books as a five-minute deer delay,” the Case Western Reserve play-by-play announcer joked (they were really on the field for about 90 seconds).

Despite giving up a run on the very next pitch, Brandeis did come back to win what was the second-half of Saturday’s doubleheader in Cleveland.

Story re-posted from Written by Nik DeCosta-Klipa