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Worst States With Lyme Disease

Jennifer Smith

Posted on April 18 2018

Let's face the facts, some states are worst off than others when it comes to deer ticks and Lyme Disease; and it's important for homeowners to know what they are up against this spring as the temperatures rise. 

We say 'deer ticks' because deer are the number one carriers of ticks in the United States; and with over 400,000 white-tailed deer roaming throughout the country, there are 400,000+ opportunities for an individual and/or pet to be bit by a tick with infections such as Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Powassan Virus. 

 These are the top U.S. states with a severe tick problem:



New York


New Jersey





New Hampshire




Maybe it's because of the climate or because of the mountainous terrain, but for whatever reason, these states experience the most tick bites. 

Because spring is when kids will be outside playing in the yard with pets, this is a good time to build deer fence around properties for tick bite prevention. Remember, wildlife can drop ticks onto yards that can reach family members and pets; and deer fencing is the most effective means for deer management. 

Tick sprays can also be applied to grasses using pet-safe ingredients; and gardeners can plant deer-resistant flowers to keep away deer from gardens.